Every day, week, month seems to increase your financial burdens and, sometimes, a loan or a credit card is needed to help with the additional costs. You are NOT alone in this, and you should never feel ashamed for wanting to give your family the best start in life. But, if things get out of hand, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help.
Debt Fairy is on a mission to help people just like you, to deal with debt in a safe, secure way.
The site has clear and simple information and is refreshingly easy to navigate. All you have to do is input your details and one of debt specialists will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss the options available.
If you are single, married, a parent or anyone struggling with debt and debt repayments, please consider getting in touch with us.
We will not judge. We will listen. We can help.
Every day, week, month seems to increase your financial burdens and, sometimes, a loan or a credit card is needed to help with the additional costs. You are NOT alone in this, and you should never feel ashamed for wanting to give your family the best start in life. But, if things get out of hand, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help.
Debt Fairy is on a mission to help people just like you, to deal with debt in a safe, secure way.
The site has clear and simple information and is refreshingly easy to navigate. All you have to do is input your details and one of debt specialists will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss the options available.
If you are single, married, a parent or anyone struggling with debt and debt repayments, please consider getting in touch with us.
We will not judge. We will listen. We can help.
In South Africa, we have been encouraged to feed into the debt culture. Personal debt has skyrocketed over the past couple of decades, fueling our growing economy. However, that debt bubble has burst and, now more than ever, people are struggling to make their monthly repayments.
If debts are left unanswered, there is the possibility that the debt collectors will start calling. The last thing you want is for them to become involved. They are relentless and will not stop until they have recovered their money. By any means possible.
Thousands of South Africans have managed to drastically reduce their monthly debt repayments all thanks to the information specialist debt advisors can offer.
These specialists are completely separate from the banks and those you owe money too. This means they can give you impartial advice on the best ways to manage your debt.
They will find solutions that work for YOU.
Debt Fairy can put you in contact with the right help.
Worrying about debt will become a thing of the past, giving you the much-needed time to focus on what’s important: caring for your loved ones.
In South Africa, we have been encouraged to feed into the debt culture. Personal debt has skyrocketed over the past couple of decades, fueling our growing economy. However, that debt bubble has burst and, now more than ever, people are struggling to make their monthly repayments.
If debts are left unanswered, there is the possibility that the debt collectors will start calling. The last thing you want is for them to become involved. They are relentless and will not stop until they have recovered their money. By any means possible.
Thousands of South Africans have managed to drastically reduce their monthly debt repayments all thanks to the information specialist debt advisors can offer.
These specialists are completely separate from the banks and those you owe money too. This means they can give you impartial advice on the best ways to manage your debt.
They will find solutions that work for YOU.
Debt Fairy can put you in contact with the right help.
Worrying about debt will become a thing of the past, giving you the much-needed time to focus on what’s important: caring for your loved ones.
Over 21 324 South Africans helped out of R236 456 541 debt
Over 21 324 South Africans helped out of R236 456 541 debt
We have thousands of satisfied customers becoming debt free every year. They now live within their means, have built savings, and are living stress free.
We have thousands of satisfied customers becoming debt free every year. They now live within their means, have built savings, and are living stress free.
No contact details required to find out if you qualify
No contact details required to find out if you qualify
Start your debt FREE journey
Complete our quick and easy assessment
Start your debt FREE journey
Complete our quick and easy assessment
Find out if you qualify
See how much you could write off
Find out if you qualify
See how much you could write off
We'll get to work
Let our debt experts work hard while you relax
We'll get to work
Let our debt experts work hard while you relax

When is the best time to see if I qualify to for a Debt Solution?
There's no time like the present! The quicker you address your debt, the quicker you could be living debt free.
Creditors have several aggressive debt enforcement techniques they can use, such as sending in the sheriff of the court to seize your possessions. If you take preventative action you can avoid that stress.
If you have already been threatened with sheriff officer action, some debt relief plans can stop the sheriff officers. Get in touch today to get started.
When is the best time to see if I qualify to for a Debt Solution?
There's no time like the present! The quicker you address your debt, the quicker you could be living debt free.
Creditors have several aggressive debt enforcement techniques they can use, such as sending in the sheriff of the court to seize your possessions. If you take preventative action you can avoid that stress.
If you have already been threatened with sheriff officer action, some debt relief plans can stop the sheriff officers. Get in touch today to get started.
Can I really have my debts 'written off'?
Yes, in some cases. It depends on your debt levels and which debt solution you decide to choose.
If you get in touch our qualified debt advisors can explain to you just how much debt you can have written off - which can be up to 60%!
Can I really have my debts 'written off'?
Yes, in some cases. It depends on your debt levels and which debt solution you decide to choose.
If you get in touch our qualified debt advisors can explain to you just how much debt you can have written off - which can be up to 60%!
Which debt solution is right for me?
All our debt solutions are personalised, and as such, rely on many separate factors. Some of these factors include your take home pay, your costs of living, and how much you owe.
To find out which debt solution is right for you it is important you get in touch and speak to one of our expert debt advisors and explain your situation to them. They are qualified to match you with the debt solution that's right for you.
Which debt solution is right for me?
All our debt solutions are personalised, and as such, rely on many separate factors. Some of these factors include your take home pay, your costs of living, and how much you owe.
To find out which debt solution is right for you it is important you get in touch and speak to one of our expert debt advisors and explain your situation to them. They are qualified to match you with the debt solution that's right for you.
Can you stop creditors chasing me?
Yes we can. We know dealing with creditors can be stressful, so we will negotiate with them on your behalf.
Some of our formal debt solutions bar your creditors or the sheriffs from contacting you or taking legal action against you.
If you are worried about actions taken by your creditors, sheriffs or debt collectors, get in touch today to see how we can help.
Can you stop creditors chasing me?
Yes we can. We know dealing with creditors can be stressful, so we will negotiate with them on your behalf.
Some of our formal debt solutions bar your creditors or the sheriffs from contacting you or taking legal action against you.
If you are worried about actions taken by your creditors, sheriffs or debt collectors, get in touch today to see how we can help.
Our chosen debt experts are all based all around South Africa and are dedicated to helping you both understand and overcome your financial hardships.
Find out if you're one of thousands that are eligible to dramatically reduce your debts.
Our chosen debt experts are all based all around South Africa and are dedicated to helping you both understand and overcome your financial hardships.
Find out if you're one of thousands that are eligible to dramatically reduce your debts.
Living in South Africa comes with unique challenges that can increase your financial burdens and, sometimes, seemingly necessary things like a loan or a credit card are used to help with the additional costs.
You are NOT alone in this, and you should never feel ashamed for wanting to give your family the best start in life. But, if things get out of hand, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help.
Living in South Africa comes with unique challenges that can increase your financial burdens and, sometimes, seemingly necessary things like a loan or a credit card are used to help with the additional costs.
You are NOT alone in this, and you should never feel ashamed for wanting to give your family the best start in life. But, if things get out of hand, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help.
I don’t know how to start thanking you for the mercy you have shown to me. This has shown me that amongst so many debt counsellors in South Africa and particularly in Johannesburg, I chose the one that is so far in Cape Town. I Googled and got hold of you and was accepted at Debt Fairy. This company is a godsend to me. You put the needs of the troubled individuals first.
April 2019
I don’t know how to start thanking you for the mercy you have shown to me. This has shown me that amongst so many debt counsellors in South Africa and particularly in Johannesburg, I chose the one that is so far in Cape Town. I Googled and got hold of you and was accepted at Debt Fairy. This company is a godsend to me. You put the needs of the troubled individuals first.
April 2019

We're on a Mission to Help
South African Women Deal with Debt
We're on a Mission to Help
South African Women Deal with Debt
This 22-second assessment will check if you can reduce your debt payments by up to 63%*
This 22-second assessment will check if you can reduce your debt payments by up to 63%*